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Welcome to Bright Tomorrows Early Intervention

early intervention boy with down syndromeWith the help of Bright Tomorrows your child will learn to move, think, play, eat, and talk. Our sessions will look like “play” because this is how your child learns. Through our therapies we promote continued developmental progress. The team of family, child, therapist and case manager work closely together. Each session is in home, community or in other natural environments. We work with your daily routines so that you and your child can enjoy family activities together. Your child enjoys learning new skills while your family stays the center of your child’s success.


Our Services: To help your child achieve their fullest potential in all developmental areas.

Physical Therapy – Skills such as sitting, walking and large movement control

Occupational Therapy – Sensory-motor control

Speech Therapy – Talking and understanding speech

Special Instruction – Thinking skills and behavior

Additional Services – Feeding therapy, processing problems and behavioral management